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A Complete Guide to Camping with Goldendoodles

Bringing your Goldendoodle along is an excellent idea if you’re planning a camping trip. These energetic, affectionate dogs are well-suited for outdoor adventures.

Not only do Goldendoodles love to explore, but their friendly and adaptable nature makes them a joy to have around the campsite.

goldendoodle looking at the camera out in the forest

Pre-Trip Preparations for Camping with a Goldendoodle

Before you even load up the car, there are a few key preparations you’ll need to make. Planning ahead will help your trip go smoothly and ensure that both you and your Goldendoodle are comfortable, safe, and ready for whatever nature throws your way.

Training for the Trail

  • Leash Manners: Your Goldendoodle will likely be on a leash for most of the trip, especially if you’re hiking or staying at a crowded campsite. Before your adventure, practice good leash manners. Teach your dog not to pull, and ensure they can walk comfortably on different surfaces, whether it's a dirt trail, rocky road, or paved path.

  • Basic Commands: Camping introduces your dog to new sights, sounds, and smells. Strengthen basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” to help manage their excitement and keep them safe. Reliable recall is especially crucial in the wild.

  • Crate Training (if applicable): If your dog will spend time in a portable crate during the trip, ensure they’re comfortable and familiar with it beforehand.

Gathering Gear for Your Goldendoodle

  • Leash, Harness, and ID Tags: A secure harness and leash are non-negotiable. Make sure your dog’s ID tags are up-to-date and include your cell phone number, just in case your Goldendoodle decides to go on an unscheduled adventure.

  • Portable Bowls: Collapsible food and water bowls are perfect for camping. They take up minimal space and make it easy to feed and hydrate your dog on the go.

  • Dog-Friendly Sleeping Gear: Depending on your setup, your Goldendoodle might share your tent or have its own space. Either way, pack a dog bed or a blanket to give them a comfortable spot to rest.

  • First-Aid Kit: A pet-specific first-aid kit is essential. Include the basics such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any medications your dog needs regularly. It’s better to be over-prepared than caught off guard in a remote location. 

Food, Water, and Treats

  • Packing Enough Supplies: Ensure you have enough food for your entire trip, plus a little extra in case of delays. Stick to your dog’s regular diet to avoid digestive upset. Don’t forget treats to reward good behavior on the trail.

  • Fresh Water: Just like you, your Goldendoodle will need plenty of fresh water throughout your trip. Don’t rely on natural water sources, which can be contaminated. Pack enough water for both of you, especially if you’re in a hot climate or planning to hike.

Getting Ready Physically

  • Conditioning: If your Goldendoodle isn’t used to long hikes or outdoor activities, build up their stamina before the trip. Start with shorter walks or hikes, gradually increasing the duration and difficulty.

  • Health Check: A quick visit to the vet before your trip can ensure your dog is in good health and up-to-date on vaccinations, flea, and tick prevention. Discuss any specific concerns related to the area where you’ll be camping.

Choosing the Ideal Campsite: Prioritizing Goldendoodle Friendly Locations

Finding the perfect campsite is a crucial part of planning your trip. Not all campsites are created equal, especially when you have a Goldendoodle in tow. You’ll want to find a location that’s both welcoming to dogs and conducive to a stress-free stay.

More about Goldendoodles:

Researching Dog-Friendly Sites                                                 

  • Check Pet Policies: Confirm that dogs are allowed at your chosen campsite before booking. Some campgrounds have specific rules about where dogs can and cannot go, so familiarize yourself with the guidelines in advance.

  • Amenities for Dogs: Look for campgrounds that offer amenities like dog-friendly trails, pet waste stations, and designated off-leash areas. The more accommodating the site, the easier your trip will be.

  • Size and Privacy: If possible, choose a campsite with plenty of space. This will give your Goldendoodle room to stretch their legs without feeling cramped. Sites with natural barriers, like trees or bushes, can provide added privacy and reduce distractions.

Safety First: Assessing the Environment

  • Wildlife Awareness: Depending on where you’re camping, local wildlife may pose a risk to your dog. Research the area’s animals and understand how to minimize the chances of an encounter. For example, in “bear-country,” you’ll need to take extra precautions with food storage.

  • Temperature Considerations: Goldendoodles have thick coats that can make them prone to overheating. If you’re camping in a warm climate, choose a site with plenty of shade for respite from the sun and access to water for a refreshing dip. Conversely, pack extra blankets in cooler climates to keep your dog warm at night.

  • Terrain and Hazards: When choosing your campsite, consider the terrain. Avoid areas with sharp rocks, thorny plants, or other hazards that could injure your dog’s paws. If the site has a lot of uneven ground, be mindful of your dog’s joints and overall comfort.

Camping Activities and Fun: Keeping Your Goldendoodle Engaged

Camping is all about enjoying the great outdoors, and your Goldendoodle will likely be more than happy to join in on the fun. With their energetic nature, these dogs are built for adventure, but it's important to keep them safe and engaged throughout the trip.

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Hiking and Exploring

  • Choosing the Right Trails: Goldendoodles love to explore, and hiking is a fantastic way to keep them active. Choose trails that match your dog’s fitness level, and always check that the trail is dog-friendly. Bring plenty of water, and take breaks to ensure your dog doesn’t overexert themselves.

  • Wildlife Considerations: While hiking, keep your dog on a leash to prevent them from chasing wildlife. Even the most well-trained dogs can be tempted by a squirrel or rabbit. Keeping them close also protects them from potential dangers like snakes or thorny bushes.

Water Play and Swimming

  • Safe Swimming Spots: If your campsite is near a lake, river, or beach, your Goldendoodle might enjoy a swim. Always supervise your dog around water, particularly unknown areas, and be cautious of strong currents or deep areas. If your dog is new to swimming, ease them into it gradually and use a life jacket for added safety.

  • Post-Swim Care: After swimming, make sure to rinse off any lake or river water, which can contain bacteria or irritants. Dry your dog thoroughly to prevent skin issues, especially if they have a longer coat.

Campground Games and Toys

  • Interactive Toys: Bring along a few toys to keep your dog entertained at the campsite. A frisbee, ball, or tug toy can provide hours of fun. Interactive toys that challenge your dog mentally are also great for keeping them engaged during downtime.

  • Calming Activities: After a day full of excitement, your Goldendoodle might enjoy some quiet time. Bring a chew toy or bone to help them relax by the campfire. This can also prevent them from getting too worked up with all the new stimuli around them.

Nighttime Comfort

After a day of exploration and adventure, your Goldendoodle will need a good night’s rest. Creating a comfortable sleeping environment is essential to help them recharge for the next day.

Camping Sleeping Arrangements

  • Tent Sharing: Many dogs feel more secure sleeping close to their owners. If your Goldendoodle is used to being near you at night, consider letting them sleep in your tent. Make sure there’s enough space, and provide a designated area with their bed or blanket.

  • Separate Shelter: A portable dog tent or crate can provide a cozy and secure sleeping area if your dog prefers their own space. This can also help reduce distractions and keep them calm throughout the night.

Nighttime Safety Precautions

  • Securing Your Dog: It's important to keep your dog secure even at night. Whether they’re in your tent or their own shelter, make sure they’re safely contained. A loose dog in the middle of the night can lead to unwanted encounters with wildlife or disturb other campers.

  • Reflective Gear: Equip your dog with a reflective collar or light-up tag to make them visible in the dark. This can be extremely helpful if they need to go outside for a bathroom break in the middle of the night.

Maintaining Comfort and Warmth

  • Weather-Appropriate Gear: Depending on the climate, adjust your dog’s bedding to ensure they’re comfortable. In colder weather, pack extra blankets or consider a dog-specific sleeping bag. In warmer climates, ensure they have a cool, shaded spot to rest.

  • Noise Management: Campgrounds can be noisy, especially at night. If your dog is sensitive to sounds, bring along familiar items like their favorite blanket or toy to help soothe them. White noise apps or calming music can also help drown out unfamiliar sounds.

Health and Safety When Camping with a Goldendoodle

Your Goldendoodle’s well-being should always be a top priority, especially when you’re far from home. From preventing injuries to managing potential hazards, there are several steps you can take to keep your dog healthy and happy throughout the trip.

Tick and Flea Prevention

  • Pre-Treatment: Before heading out, ensure your dog is protected against ticks and fleas with a vet-approved treatment. Camping areas are often prime spots for these pests, so taking preventive measures is essential.

  • Regular Checks: After each hike or outdoor activity, check your dog for ticks. Pay special attention to areas like the ears, neck, and belly. Removing ticks promptly can prevent the spread of diseases like Lyme disease.

Heat Management

  • Staying Cool: Goldendoodles can overheat quickly, especially in warm climates. Make sure your dog has access to shade and fresh water at all times. Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day, and watch for signs of heat exhaustion, such as excessive panting or lethargy.

  • Cooling Gear: Consider packing a cooling vest or bandana for your dog. These products can help regulate your dog’s temperature during hikes or hot days at the campsite.

Hydration and Nutrition

  • Regular Water Breaks: Keep your Goldendoodle hydrated by offering water regularly, especially during physical activities. Portable water bottles with attached bowls are convenient for on-the-go hydration.

  • Maintaining a Consistent Diet: Stick to your dog’s usual feeding routine to avoid digestive issues. If you’re planning on giving your dog any special treats during the trip, introduce them gradually to prevent stomach upset.

Injury Prevention and Care

  • Protecting Paws: Rough terrain can be hard on your dog’s paws. Consider using dog booties for added protection, especially if you’ll be hiking on rocky or hot surfaces. Regularly check your dog’s paws for cuts, blisters, or other injuries.

  • First-Aid Ready:  Accidents can happen, so be prepared with a first-aid kit tailored to your dog’s needs. In addition to the aforementioned basics, include items like tweezers (for potential tick removal), styptic powder (for bleeding), and backup items such as an emergency blanket, an extra bottle of water, and an extra day’s supply of any pet meds.

Post-Camping Care

After your adventure, your Goldendoodle will likely be happy but tired. Proper post-camping care ensures your dog transitions smoothly back to their regular routine and remains healthy after the trip.

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Cleaning and Grooming

  • Bath Time: After spending time in the great outdoors, your dog may need a thorough bath to remove hidden dirt, diminutive debris, and any lingering pests. Use a gentle dog shampoo and check for any cuts, scrapes, or ticks during the bath.

  • Brushing and Coat Care: If your Goldendoodle has a longer coat, brushing out any tangles or mats is important. This also gives you a chance to check for any burrs or foreign objects that may have become tangled in their fur.

Monitoring for Health Issues

  • Watch for Unusual Behavior: Keep an eye on your dog in the days following your trip. If they seem unusually lethargic, are eating less, or are showing signs of discomfort, it may be worth a visit to the vet. Camping can expose dogs to new environments and risks, so being vigilant is key.

  • Check for Parasites: Even if you’ve taken precautions, it’s a good idea to check your dog for any signs of parasites like ticks or fleas once you’re back home. If you notice anything unusual, consult your vet for appropriate treatment.

Easing Back into Routine

  • Gradual Transition: After the excitement of camping, your Goldendoodle might need some time to adjust back to its normal routine. Gradually ease them back into their regular schedule, including feeding times, walks, and bedtime.

  • Mental Stimulation: Your dog may miss the constant stimulation of camping. Keep their mind engaged with interactive toys, puzzle feeders, or additional playtime as they settle back into home life.

Camping with your Goldendoodle can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both of you. The bond you’ll strengthen and the memories you’ll create are well worth the effort of planning and preparation. 

By taking the time to ensure your dog’s comfort, safety, and well-being throughout the trip, you’ll set the stage for a successful adventure that you’ll both cherish. Whether it’s your first camping trip together or one of many, embracing the great outdoors with your Goldendoodle by your side is an experience like no other.

Jenna and the JLDD Team

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