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Bernedoodles: Are They Barkers? Chewers? Good with Kids?

Writer: JennaLeeDesignerDoodlesJennaLeeDesignerDoodles

Updated: Feb 18, 2024

There are always tons of questions that pop up when considering adding a new dog to the family. Will the new pup fit in my space? Can I give it the resources and care it needs? Will they get along with the rest of my family?

While there are plenty of places on the internet to search for this information, why not let the experts on Doodles talk you through some of the most important points. Today we’re going to go over one of the most loveable pups on the planet: The Bernedoodle!

The parent breeds for Bernedoodles are the Bernese mountain dog and the poodle, both of which have their own distinct and wonderful character traits.

Bernese mountain dogs were bred for very specific reasons like pulling carts through the Swiss alps and driving cattle - tough work if you ask us! A go-getter attitude mixed with their beautiful coats made them a perfect fit for the job, altitudes and weather.

Poodles love human attention but need more positive reinforcement than other dogs might. Poodles might tap into some of their more mischievous tendencies if not trained early with a firm hand and well-socialized with other dogs.

Interested in adding a new puppy to your family?

Just because poodles look like a powder puff, don’t let the fluff fool you. These dogs are pups with a purpose.

So how do the traits of both breeds show up in Bernedoodles? Bernedoodles have many of the same characteristics as their parent breeds. Traits that are commonly associated with these gorgeous teddy bear-like dogs include loyalty, intelligence, and enthusiasm. And all of these are true. The balance of the poodle and Bernese mountain dog create a loveable and loyal, yet goofy, friend.

Are Bernedoodles barkers?

Dogs are barkers. All of them. With very few exceptions. They express themselves as individual creatures with thoughts and feelings. But let’s be honest, some of us might not like a dog who barks incessantly. Bernedoodles aren’t those dogs. They’re truly loveable fur babies.

Bernedoodles bark, but not ad nauseum. What Bernedoodles lack in bark they certainly make up for with cuddles. Possibly due to their poodle ancestry, they require a lot of attention which could manifest as jumping up on you or the couch to get just what they want.

You may ask yourself, “What if they see a stranger?” Truth be told, to most Bernedoodles, there’s no such thing as a stranger. If you’re looking for a dog that will bark whenever they see someone they don’t know, the Bernedoodle might not fill that job description.

They aren’t the best guard dogs, but you can always head to Walmart and get an alarm system for that. With a new dog, you’re trying to expand your family.

Keep in mind that even though they might not bark frequently, Bernedoodles still want attention or might need something. Bernedoodles bore relatively easily and, if left to their own devices, can get into trouble.

How about the question, “Will they get along with other dogs?” The Bernese cohabitate with most breeds and make fast friends with any other four-legged creature they meet. This quality has been passed down to Bernedoodles.

Look out for excessive barking or other aggressive behaviors which could indicate trouble. You want to make sure that your doodle is getting enough time, attention, and of course, food. The Bernedoodle, like the poodle before them, can get stressed or anxious if they don’t feel like they’re getting the consideration they require.

Do Bernedoodles chew on things?

Let’s be honest and upfront about the Bernedoodle. They are an active breed. They’ll hop up on the couch, the bed, chairs… anything and everything. Especially if this behavior gets your attention. The Bernedoodle is an interactive dog if there ever was one. This could lead to them chewing on different items.

The best way to prevent this behavior is with patience and time. When they’re young during their training, you can curb a good many of these bad behaviors. Please note that they can backslide without the proper attention.

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Toys specifically made for heavy chewers, from nylon bones to rubber toys that can’t be torn apart in a day, as well as a healthy exercise regimen, are great ways to help prevent things being chewed on and destroyed.

The most important thing to consider when it comes to Bernedoodles is grooming. If your pups fur gets matted with dirt and grime, they will gnaw and lick to clean themselves. You don’t want them to keep chewing on themselves for so long that they hurt themselves. We all want to prevent any unnecessary trips to the vet.

How great are Bernedoodles with children?

Who doesn’t love children? While we’re sure not everyone is a fan of kids, Bernedoodles certainly are! (We wrote about which doodle breeds get along best with kids here.)

As we mentioned before, the Bernese mountain dog was bred to help and protect those in need. The Bernedoodle is no different. They will bond within months of being homed with your little ones. Actually, they bond so well with their family that it can be incredibly difficult to re-home an adult Bernedoodle.

They’re loyal and will be friends throughout good days and bad.

The Bernedoodle’s energetic and playful nature allows them to keep up with the youngest in your clan and to be empathetic and delicate with the elderly. Many Bernedoodles have been raised and trained as therapy dogs. Between their protective nature and fluffy coat of fur that is soft to the touch, they can calm even the most mischievous child.

If your toddlers and teens want to prance in the backyard, a Bernedoodle can match them step for step.Since they were herder dogs in part originally, they’ll likely do everything they can to keep your troop in line.

That being said, while a fully grown Bernedoodle can take a little bit of a tussle, the smaller mini or medium Bernedoodles will need a little more finesse – especially as puppies. If addressed early with human children and dogs, they should be able to play with each other without any issue. Plus, a teddy bear on four legs that they get to hang out with day in and day out? Yes, please!

Anything else I should know?

Training Bernedoodles is key. Due to their curious and energetic nature, the Bernedoodle can be a little on the difficult side to teach. Since they’re task-oriented dogs, they often don’t understand immediately why they’re being directed to do something. However, these tiny revolts can be addressed with time, patience and understanding.

If you do decide to have one of our Bernedoodle family members join your home, we do offer an exquisite Puppy Preschool. This can last four, eight, or twelve weeks. In the end, you’ll have a puppy ready to integrate into your home. Check out that information here.

Also, they love food. They will need to eat about four times a day when fully grown.

If we might have not answered all of your questions in this piece or if you still want to learn more about training and other temperament specifics about Bernedoodles, we have you covered. Click here for more details.

While the tiny/toy, mini or medium Bernedoodles are perfect for those with smaller abodes, if you’re considering a standard size, then make sure you have a little bit more space for you and them. Loyal and energetic, these dogs will return your love and affection tenfold if you take the time to train and parent your Bernedoodle well.

Maybe you’re not sure if the Bernedoodle is the perfect fit for you? That’s okay. View this article to find out how they stack up against other Doodle breeds.

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