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Bernedoodles vs. Newfypoos: Full Comparison

When it comes to choosing between a Bernedoodle and a Newfypoo, you're dealing with two large, lovable, and loyal dog breeds that offer both charm and companionship.

However, while they may share a similar Poodle parentage, these two breeds have distinct characteristics that make them suitable for different kinds of families and living situations. 

picture of three doodle puppies outside in white hammock

If you’re stuck between these two gentle giants, we’re here to break down their personalities, health, grooming needs, and lifestyles to help you make the best decision for your household.

Overview: Bernedoodles vs. Newfypoos

Both Bernedoodles and Newfypoos are hybrid breeds, meaning they combine the traits of two different dogs. A Bernedoodle is a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle, while a Newfypoo is the result of breeding a Newfoundland with a Poodle.

These hybrids were bred to capture the hypoallergenic qualities of the Poodle while incorporating the distinct personalities of their other parent breed. Each of these dogs has unique characteristics that can appeal to a wide range of pet owners, but their differences are key when determining which will fit best with your lifestyle.

Bernedoodles tend to inherit the playful nature of the Bernese Mountain Dog, while Newfypoos often take on the calm and laid-back personality of the Newfoundland. Their grooming needs, energy levels, and overall care requirements differ significantly, and understanding these distinctions is crucial when choosing your next four-legged companion.

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Personality and Temperament

Bernedoodles: Playful and Sensitive

Bernedoodles are known for their playful and tender nature. They inherit the loyalty and affectionate personality of the Bernese Mountain Dog, making them wonderful companions for families, especially those with children.

Bernedoodles are known to be great with kids due to their friendly disposition and easy-going nature. However, they can be sensitive dogs, picking up on the emotions of their owners. This sensitivity can make them wonderful emotional support dogs, but it also means they may require a calm and nurturing environment to thrive.

Bernedoodles often form strong bonds with their family members, showing a deep loyalty that is characteristic of the Bernese Mountain Dog. They love to be included in family activities and may suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods. If you’re someone who enjoys spending lots of time with your pet, the Bernedoodle will be a great fit.

Newfypoos: Laid-Back and Devoted

Newfypoos take after their Newfoundland parent breed in terms of their laid-back and sweet temperament.  They are particularly well-suited to homes with children, as their size and strength are matched by a tender, protective nature.

Like the Bernedoodle, Newfypoos are loyal and devoted, but they may be a little more independent and less prone to anxiety when left alone for short periods. They have a strong desire to protect their family which can make them excellent watchdogs without being overly aggressive.

Newfypoos are often content to lounge around the house, making them a great choice for families who prefer a more relaxed dog. Despite their calm demeanor, they still love to play and interact with their families, but tend to do so in a more mellow way compared to the energetic Bernedoodle.

Trainability: Smart vs. Stubborn

Bernedoodles: Intelligent and Eager to Please

Thanks to the Poodle’s intelligence, Bernedoodles tend to be quick learners. They love to engage with their owners and excel in obedience training, especially when positive reinforcement is used.

Their eagerness to please makes them relatively easy to train, although their sensitive nature means that harsh training methods should be avoided. When handled with care, a Bernedoodle will become a well-behaved and loving member of the family. They’re also known to enjoy mentally stimulating activities, so puzzles, interactive toys, and advanced training exercises can be a great way to keep their minds sharp.

One area where Bernedoodles stand out is in their ability to serve as therapy or assistance dogs. Their intelligence, combined with their emotional attunement to their owners, makes them excellent candidates for this kind of work. They have the emotional sensitivity to provide comfort to those in need while also being obedient and quick to learn new tasks.

Newfypoos: Gentle but Sometimes Stubborn

Newfypoos are equally intelligent, but they can be a bit more independent than Bernedoodles. While they're definitely capable of learning commands and tricks, they may exhibit a stubborn streak from time to time, particularly if they don’t see the point in a particular task.

Patience is key when training a Newfypoo. Luckily, their demure nature means that even if they’re not the quickest to pick up new commands, they’re unlikely to cause too much trouble. Their stubbornness, however, can be a challenge for novice dog owners who may struggle to keep them engaged.

Despite this, Newfypoos are still quite trainable and can excel in areas like water rescue training—thanks to their Newfoundland heritage. If you have access to a body of water, this breed will be in their element and can even be trained for water-based activities, which can be a fun and engaging way to keep them active and mentally stimulated.

see our upcoming litters of doodle puppies here

Energy Levels and Exercise Needs

Bernedoodles: Energetic and Fun-Loving

If you're looking for a dog that will keep up with an active lifestyle, the Bernedoodle might be your best bet. These dogs have moderate to high energy levels and love to play, making them great companions for outdoor activities like hiking, running, and playing fetch.

However, they also enjoy downtime and can settle in for a quiet evening as long as they've had enough exercise during the day. Bernedoodles are versatile in their physical needs—they’ll happily go for a long walk or run, but they can also enjoy interactive indoor playtime.

A great way to ensure your Bernedoodle gets the exercise they need is by integrating them into family activities. They love being part of the action, whether that’s joining you on a hike or playing with the kids in the backyard. Bernedoodles also excel in dog sports like agility, which not only helps them burn off energy but also keeps their sharp minds engaged.

Newfypoos: More Mellow

Newfypoos, while still playful, tend to have lower energy levels compared to Bernedoodles. They’re content with a leisurely walk or a good romp in the yard, but they’re not as likely to demand constant activity.

This makes them a better choice for owners who prefer a more relaxed lifestyle or for those who may not have the time or stamina to dedicate to extensive daily exercise. While they still enjoy being outdoors, their overall vitality is lower, and they’re more likely to enjoy lounging around the house than engaging in high-energy play.

Owners of Newfypoos should still ensure their dog gets regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight, as their large size can put a strain on their joints if they become overweight. But overall, a Newfypoo will be more laid-back when it comes to its activity needs compared to the more energetic Bernedoodle.

Grooming and Maintenance

Bernedoodles: Regular Brushing Required

Bernedoodles inherit a thick, wavy coat from their Poodle and Bernese parents, which makes them prone to matting if not properly groomed. To keep their coat looking its best, regular brushing is essential—ideally a few times a week.

While their coat is often described as hypoallergenic, some Bernedoodles may shed lightly, depending on the genetics inherited from their Bernese side. In addition to brushing, occasional trips to a professional groomer will help keep their coat manageable. Grooming a Bernedoodle can be time-consuming but is necessary to prevent tangles and mats.

When it comes to bathing, Bernedoodles don’t need frequent baths—usually once every couple of months or when they get particularly dirty. However, their ears should be cleaned regularly to prevent infections, and their nails should be trimmed to avoid overgrowth, which can cause discomfort or injury.

Newfypoos: Higher Grooming Needs

Newfypoos, on the other hand, tend to have even denser coats, especially if they take after their Newfoundland parent. Their fur is thick and water-resistant, which means they’re more prone to matting and tangling.

Like the Bernedoodle, regular brushing is crucial, but Newfypoos may require more frequent grooming sessions to keep their coat healthy. Given their larger size and thick fur, it’s also important to check for any skin irritations or infections, which can sometimes occur in dogs with heavy coats.

In addition to coat care, Newfypoos can be prone to drooling, especially if they take after lean genetically to their Newfoundland side. This is something potential owners should be aware of, as it may require extra cleanup around the house.

However, many Newfypoo owners find that the extra grooming and cleaning is a small price to pay for the love and companionship these dogs provide.

take our doodle breed match quiz here

Health and Lifespan of Bernedoodles & Newfypoos

Bernedoodles: Prone to Joint Issues

Like all hybrid breeds, Bernedoodles can inherit health issues from either of their parent breeds. Some of the most common health problems include hip and elbow dysplasia, especially in larger Bernedoodles.

Regular vet visits and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine are essential to prevent these issues from worsening. Bernedoodles also have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years, which is relatively long for a dog of their size, thanks in part to the Poodle’s longevity.

Other potential health issues include allergies and eye problems, so regular check-ups with your vet are essential to ensure your Bernedoodle stays healthy and happy throughout their life.

Newfypoos: Larger Size, Shorter Lifespan

Newfypoos, given their larger size, tend to have slightly shorter lifespans than Bernedoodles, typically ranging from 8 to 12 years.

Like Bernedoodles, they can be prone to the same dysplasia joint issues such as hip and elbow dysplasia, especially as they age. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight are critical to preventing these issues from developing or worsening.

Newfypoos can also inherit the Poodle’s susceptibility to bloat, a potentially life-threatening condition, so it’s important to feed them smaller meals throughout the day rather than one large meal.

While Newfypoos can be predisposed to certain health conditions, they’re generally healthy dogs if given the proper care, exercise, and diet.

Which Breed is Right for You?

Choosing between a Bernedoodle and a Newfypoo comes down to your lifestyle and preferences. If you’re looking for a playful, dynamic dog that thrives in an active environment, the Bernedoodle may be your perfect match.

However, if you prefer a more laid-back, mellow companion who enjoys lounging by your side, the Newfypoo might be the better fit.

Both breeds are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and sweet-tempered nature, making them wonderful family pets. Whether you choose the playful Bernedoodle or the calm and sweet Newfypoo, you’re sure to gain a solid companion for many years to come.

Jenna and the JLDD Team

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