YES - It's entirely possible that we're a bit biased, but we consider our breeding and training program to be one of the best in the country. Though we occasionally have multiple litters at once, we are the furthest thing from a puppy mill you can get. We try our best to be very transparent about our business, even when it's not easy. Every member of our team pours their heart and soul into our puppies - and we think it shows in the dispositions of each of our babies. Won't you allow us to tell you more?
Each of our breeding dogs undergoes extensive health testing prior to being bred. These tests can be found in their individual profiles HERE.
This saves both of us, breeder and pawrent, serious potential heartache. Our testing includes pertinent hip and elbow radiographs, as well as genetic disease panels, color testing, and coat testing. This ensures that your puppy will have a perfect coat and be clear of genetic diseases.
We know each parents' temperament well and also consider what would make the most well-balanced puppies.

Our mommas are bred, they are cared for carefully by their guardian homes or our facility staff and given extra vitamins, extra calories...and extra LOVE!
They are confirmed pregnant by ultrasound at 4 weeks, and we get their puppy counts around 7 weeks via x-ray. When it's close to time for them to come have their pups, they move in early and take plenty of time to get comfortable with our knowledgable, caring staff of doodle lovers!
Every whelping we do is special, and we take bringing puppies into the world very seriously. If we created them, it's our job to make sure they get here safely.
Cindy, head of our labor team stays with our moms 24/7 for the days leading up to their delivery, and around-the-clock after the puppies are born to make sure everyone is safe. It's a bit graphic, but watch the way our team assists with deliveries in this whelping video.

At 3 days old, we start all of our puppies on early neurological stimulation, or ENS. This is a practice that has been developed for decades, and helps develop puppies' stress reflexes from a young age. It's proven to consistently produce calmer puppies with better temperaments - and that's what we're all about here at JLDD!
All of our puppies are raised on the well-known puppy culture protocol. If you're not familiar with puppy culture, it's a program that helps engage puppies and teach them some of the most important skills they'll need in their lives. This includes stress responses, problem solving, and more! You can learn more at

EVERY day, we spend intentional time with EVERY puppy, and document their reactions to various activities and stimuli in their growing slowly growing worlds. As they age, we are able to track their progress and understand what makes every puppy "tick". By the time they are ready for their matchmaking day at 8 weeks, we have a huge amount of information about each puppy to be able to match them to their perfect family nearly every time!
It's loud and messy - but it's worth it! Our puppies are all started on crate training at 2 weeks old. Though we cannot guarantee it as every puppy is different, many puppies sleep through the night in their crates the first night in their new homes! Puppies are NOT fully potty trained, but we get them well on their way!

Each of our mommas is more than just a vehicle for having puppies. Each of them is special and has their own set of needs, be it extra cuddles while they're feeding their puppies, some private fetch time, being spoon-fed their breakfast, or just extra company throughout the day.
If a mom struggles with her puppies, we do all we can to support her, and will ultimately decide not to breed her in the future if it decided that it is in her best interest.
After your puppy is born, you'll receive our weekly 'pupdates'! These include lots of information about where your puppy is developmentally that week, as well as some extra photos of your litter! We're all-the-time taking photos of these cuties and this is our place to share!
There's a lot to learn about them and we want to share every step of the process with you, their furever families!

Our matchmaking program is one of a kind and tailored specifically to the things you care most about! Including compatibility with kids, other dogs, energy level, allergy concern levels, and more. Our team works hard to make sure EVERY puppy finds the RIGHT home for them.
We have LOTS to say about this, so read about it on the MATCHMAKING PAGE.
Every two weeks, our professional photographer, Susan, comes in and takes your puppy's newest headshots! They grow SO MUCH in such a short time.
All of your puppy's photos are available for purchase at our shop or on our photography page and make excellent gifts for the JLDD puppy parwrent in your life!

It takes a small army to care for our dogs, puppies, and clients the way we think they should be cared for! We have one of the BEST teams in the industry that work together tirelessly to ensure that your puppy - and you, our client - are taken care of!
Meet our puppy raising team HERE!
Here at JLDD, we offer four levels of customized, advanced training options to meet your needs! Puppies can go home at 8 weeks, or enroll in our 4-week, 8-week, 12-week, and 16-week training programs. With each program, they'll live with one of our trainers 24/7 and learn advanced skills to seamlessly transition into your life!

When we say we offer lifetime support - we really mean it. We don't care if your dog is 14 and you have a question - call us!
Our puppies' families are our family, and we want to help you through every step of the way. Just ask the multiple repeat buyer families who have trusted us for years with their furry family members!
Our job isn't done until your puppy is safely with you - if you're on the other side of the country or the other side of town!
We offer both ground and air transport options - where puppies will ALWAYS be with one of our staff members and never be shipped. You can read more about these options HERE!